Science and Engineering Fair

In the Science and Engineering Fair, research oriented projects on various avenues of science & technology are displayed. Science and Engineering Fair is held in January, simultaneously with Eastern India Science Fair at BITM. Students from science or engineering college can participate in this competitive Engineering Fair. Attractive prizes and scholarships are awarded.

For participation in the Science and Engineering Fair college students may contact Education Dept. over 2287 7241 in the last week on December.

This year the Science & Engineering Fair will be organized from 9th to 13th January, 2018 at BITM. The students from different Engineering colleges, Science Colleges and Universities will participate in this fair. The students of any Engineering College, Science College and University individually or in a team maximum of three would be eligible to compete with their projects. Total number of projects from any Engineering College, Science College and University both individual and / or team, would be restricted to three.

Copyright BITM 2021 . Last Modified on : Jan 9, 2018 @ 9:31 am

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